For the attention of Charity Chairs and other trustees.
After a series of desktop reviews of governance in charities over the last few weeks, another recurring issue I found was the lack of understanding of conflicts of interest by trustees and committee members.
This lack of understanding meant that many charities did not have an adequate (or often any) Conflicts of Interest Policy or even a basic Register of Interests.
Conflicts of Interest can arise very easily and can cause real difficulties in charities when you do not manage them properly.
If you want evidence of the difficulties conflicts of interest can cause, just check the Charity Commission website for real life case studies of their far reaching investigations and their enforcement powers in this area.
And bear in mind how could your board members or executive know what may or may not be a Conflict of Interest for one of your members when nobody actually knows what their interests are?
Good Governance Tip 1: Complete your annual governance review
Good Governance Tip 2: Sort out your charity’s policies
If you don’t have a formal approach on how to manage your Conflicts of Interest, follow these quick suggestions:
Follow the above Good Governance Tip 3 suggestions to ensure you manage your Conflicts of Interest more effectively.
Read our Blog on Top Tips for Board meetings.
If you would like guidance on how to review your governance arrangements, contact me here:
Meantime you can watch this short explainer video on how to review your charity’s governance arrangements.
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